Noble Life Sciences employee spotlight

For our inaugural Noble Life Sciences (NLS) employee spotlight, we are recognizing 

Employee 1Robyn Shaw, who was recently promoted to the interim Director of Operations (DOO) 

 Q: Tell us about your background/career path and your current position at NLS. 

A: received my bachelor’s degree in Biology from Washington College, and my master’s degree in Biotechnology from the Johns Hopkins University. I was a Study Director at Spring Valley Laboratories (SVL) before it was acquired by NLS and continued managing both GLP and non-GLP studies.I have been a member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) at SVL and NLSand currently serve as the Chairman ensuring the committee fulfills its responsibilities mandated by federal and regulatory bodies. In my new role as the interim Director of Operations, I will be overseeing the overall facility operations including scheduling research procedures, managing the vivarium facility staff and identifying areas of improvement for quality and operations aspects. 

 Q: How long have you worked at NLS and what do you like about working here? 

 A: I have been with NLS since 2014. I enjoy working with my colleagues on a daily basis. Through my time at NLS, I have gained exposure to a wide range of techniques and disciplines such as hemostatic modelsmedical devices, oncology, electroporation, etc. I enjoy working with the clients, learning from them and helping them reach their study goals. For my professional development, I have attended national scientific meetings such as Society of Toxicology meeting and American College of Toxicology meeting.  

Q: What has been one of your favorite projects/tasks at Noble? 

A: One of my favorite projects has been working on GLP vaccine toxicology studies; although these studies are intense, I enjoy stepping up to the challenge to work with our clients to provide the best and most reliable service when it comes to presenting their studies to the FDA. 

Q: What does your day to day activity at Noble look like? 

 A: My mornings, as a Study Director, were usually spent in the laboratory preparing test article formulations and dosing as well as catching up with study coordinators and technical staff regarding the day’s proceduresspent my afternoons reviewing client protocols and reports. As the DOO, I am occupied implementing quality standards, scheduling research procedures, interacting with the study directors and technical staff and reviewing SOPs. 

 Q: What do you look forward to when you come to work every day? 

 A: I look forward to working with my colleagues and seeing the animals, particularly the goats. Currently, we have 30 goats on site for polyclonal antibody development. Everyone has fun watching the goats play.  

 Q: What do you like to do when you are not at work? 

 A: I enjoy spending time with my family, including my niece Addy and nephews Charlie and Will, as well as my boyfriend Dan and our dogs Angus and Mabel.  I also enjoy building furniture in our woodshop; it is a rewarding change of pace for me. 

 Q: What advice do you have for a perspective Noble employee? 

 A: My advice is to be ready for a close knit "family" environment at NLS that provides quality services and care for our sponsors and animals. 



July 6th, 2020 |